Jenny Craig

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The weight management program combines nutrition and physical activity with counseling, to help clients change lifestyle and eating habits. The goal of the program is that once clients reach their desired weight levels, they no longer need to rely on the program's prepackaged food, planned menus, or consultations to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Jenny Craig offers weight loss programs tailored to women, men, people with diabetes and seniors.

Clients are provided with individual, private counseling sessions with program consultants. Consultants are not required to have nutrition or health professional certifications, although they are trained by the company to provide education and support to clients. Members join any one of a number of types of plans and then purchase prepackaged food from their local center. (The company also directly ships dry and frozen foods in chilled containers to clients that join the Jenny Craig At Home program.) Initially, clients are given a planned menu to follow, utilizing the company's line of frozen and dry foods, along with grocery items like dairy and vegetables. Clients later are able to customize their own menus using the same range of foods. Members begin using a menu with one to two days each of non-program foods once they have reached the "halfway point" to their weight goals.


The foods on menu offered by the Jenny Craig diet plan are designed to meet the USDA Dietary Guidelines. They feature fruits, vegetables, whole grains, reduced fat milk products, and "heart healthy" fats, but also include lean meat, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts. Cholesterol, sodium, added sugars and saturated fats are low in the foods.

The Jenny Craig Diet includes foods and chocolate designed to appeal to certain groups of people, also. The menu includes meatless selections, as well as plans directed toward men and women, teens, type 2 diabetics, and the elderly.

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